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Mundo real Second Edition’s highly interactive, experiential format encourages
students to develop stronger speaking and communicative skills in a variety of contexts.

Welcome to a new generation of materials for learning Spanish!
Mundo real Second Edition
Mundo real Second Edition follows a modern, communication-based methodology that focuses on a meaning-based, communicative approach, the objective of which is to enable students to meet the challenge of communicating in real-life situations. Thanks to this method’s approach, the most effective to learn another language according to the latest linguistic research, students begin to speak the language immediately. The process of new language acquisition is achieved naturally and efficiently from the very first day through a teaching-learning environment that is both enjoyable and relaxed.

This method reflects the richness and diversity of cultures that make up the Spanish language –with some 577 million speakers worldwide– so that students acquire sensitivity and respect toward all cultural and intercultural aspects of the language and increase their knowledge of the world.
Mundo real Second Edition is divided into four levels for secondary school students and designed by Editorial Edinumen and its US based team, Edinumen USA.

Appoved by the University of Salamanca
The University of Salamanca reviewed and gave their seal of approval to Mundo real Second Edition. This endorsement certifies Mundo real Second Edition employs sound pedagogical methods through a rigorous, authentic Spanish curriculum. Founded in 1218, the University of Salamanca is the oldest university in the Hispanic world and the third oldest university still in operation in the entire world. Additionally, the University of Salamanca was the first institution to focus on Spanish language teaching. Today the university is a top-ranked center for study and research and is particularly known for its Spanish language studies. Along with its dedication to the teaching of Spanish, the University of Salamanca is at the forefront of language assessment, teacher training, and materials writing, cementing its status as a pioneering force in the field of Spanish language instruction. The University of Salamanca’s seal of approval verifies that Mundo real Second Edition reflects the latest research and is one of the most effective instructional materials available.
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Your Spanish Language Specialists
There’s a new voice in Spanish language textbook publishing! Edinumen is an exciting new alternative for Spanish language learning materials for grades K–12! For more than 30 years Edinumen has been an international leader in Spanish as a foreign language, and now we’re in the USA!