Your Spanish Language Specialists

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About Us
Spanish LanguageSpecialists
At Edinumen USA we are passionate about Spanish! With over 25 years of experience in teaching and coaching ELE (español como lengua extranjera) around the globe, our specialized team makes Spanish the epicenter of all we do. Edinumen USA is proud to offer the most comprehensive Spanish solution in the marketplace (innovative content, modern digital platforms and cutting-edge methodology).
Edinumen has come into the US at an exciting time. We welcome the idea that the US will be the largest Spanish speaking country by the year 2050. With our level of expertise in everything Spanish, we hope that we can become your one stop shop and future partner. One of our most popular PD programs is titled “Abrazando el Cambio” and we are hopeful that we may be able to collaborate with you in order to embrace this change together.
Who we are, Our Story
A team that was born out of the conviction to better Spanish instruction worldwide
Our mission and paramount goal as a company has always been to better the experience of the Spanish classroom worldwide. Since our inception in 1993, we have never wavered from our philosophy of putting the Spanish student and educator at the forefront of everything that we do.
We are unique in that we have created a word-wide lab for Spanish instruction. Our team consists of over 400 authors and consultants that devote themselves to the Spanish language. This specialized group of professionals has successfully carried out over 500 educational programs in ELE (Espanol Como Lengua Extranjera) and trained over 20,000 Spanish teachers in over 50 countries over the last two decades. Some of these initiatives have been in close collaboration with prestigious institutions such as La Universidad de Salamanca and El Instituto Cervantes. Our influence and our passion for Spanish teaching is seen worldwide.
What We Offer
A Comprehensive Spanish Solution

Your Spanish Language Specialists
There’s a new voice in Spanish language textbook publishing!
Edinumen is an exciting new alternative for Spanish language learning materials!
For more than 30 years Edinumen has been an international leader in Spanish as a foreign language, and now we’re in the USA!