Learning Together
At Edinumen USA we believe that professional development is an ongoing process that builds capacity for all stakeholders — teachers, students and campus leaders. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality PD that will enhance educators’ skill sets in areas that are crucial to the modern-day Spanish classroom. We offer a wealth of delivery options, including customized webinars, in-person professional learning sessions and prerecorded sessions on a variety of high- interest topics.
Edinumen USA is unique in that it has been in the business of training Spanish teachers worldwide for over 25 years. That experience has afforded us the opportunity to create a worldwide network of Spanish teachers that has served as a forum for the exchange of ideas, best practices and creative instructional strategies. We believe that product training cannot be limited to showing teachers where to click but should include a wealth of instructional strategies that enhance an excellent program. Our course offerings and expert staff can customize PD according to your district’s needs — from outstanding post-adoption training to an ongoing series of specialized topics.
We are passionate about professional development as something much more than an item on an evaluation rubric, but as an essential element in deciding which company will best support your teachers and build a world-class Spanish program in your school or district.

Your Spanish Language Specialists
There’s a new voice in Spanish language textbook publishing!
Edinumen is an exciting new alternative for Spanish language learning materials!
For more than 30 years Edinumen has been an international leader in Spanish as a foreign language, and now we’re in the USA!