Edinumen USA Summer Session

Técnicas y dinámicas para las clases de español. Nos preparamos para el próximo curso

Edinumen USA is pleased to sponsor this summer professional learning opportunity on July 22, 2021. We’ve planned an exciting afternoon, presented by internationally recognized experts who will share creative, practical, and current research and best practices for the teaching of Spanish.

 Our goal is to create a space for you to be part of our global community to Spanish teachers to exchange knowledge, experiences, and strategies for bringing Spanish to life in your classroom.

 Edinumen USA Summer Session brings together experts to energize and inspire you with strategies and activities designed to meet the needs of today’s college students,

Topics include Effective activities in the Spanish and Guidelines for the elaboration of exercises, presented by Álvaro Sesmilo and Barbara Jones, internationally recognized experts in teaching Spanish as a world language.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance along with free pedagogical books and special discounts



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July 22, 2021
  • 1:00 PM EST – 2:00 PM EST Actividades efectivas en la clase de español y cómo adaptarlas a diferentes contextos - Álvaro Sesmilo (Editorial Edinumen)

Resumen: Como sabemos, no hay un único enfoque o método que funcione con todos los perfiles de estudiantes y en todas las situaciones posibles de aprendizaje. Por esto, es muy relevante entender qué técnicas y dinámicas pueden ser efectivas en el aula de español y adquirir las habilidades para adaptarlas dependiendo del contexto en el que nos encontremos. Cuanto más flexibles sean los materiales con los que trabajamos en clase, más efectiva será la enseñanza. En este taller analizaremos diferentes aspectos metodólogos que tenemos que tener en cuenta a la hora de diseñar nuestro programa a través de ejemplos sacados de la colección Frecuencias. El objetivo es hacer que todos los participantes lleguemos a ser docentes 360º.

Álvaro Sesmilo, Licenciado en Filología Hispánica, Experto en la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Máster en Formación de Profesores de Español por la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Profesor inquieto y aventurero con más de 15 años en la docencia. Ha ejercido como profesor de español y director académico en Holanda, Polonia, Singapur, EE.UU. y España. Estos últimos años se ha dedicado a su faceta de creador de materiales didácticos y se ha desarrollado como formador de formadores, asistiendo como ponente a múltiples eventos educativos en todo el mundo. Actualmente, forma parte del grupo de investigación “Factores emocionales en el aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua y en la construcción de la identidad lingüística y sociocultural” en la Universidad de Alcalá (donde termina sus estudios de doctorado), es profesor colaborador en la Universidad Nebrija y coordinador del departamento de formación en la editorial Edinumen.

  • 2:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST Community-Based Projects: The Fourth R in the Language Classroom - Dr. Barbara Jones

A generation ago, the most powerful instruction was built on Daggett’s 3Rs, Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. While these concepts hold true today, our students need a fourth R, Results. Community-based projects provide students with opportunities to apply their learning to real-world contexts and add immediate value to the classroom experience. In this interactive session, participants will review key concepts of project-based learning, analyze a sample project and identify ways to apply this approach to add the fourth R to their instructional setting.

Barbara Jones holds a doctoral degree in Teacher Education from the University of Houston, with a specialization in Teacher Professional Learning.  Her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are in music.  As a professional musician in Venezuela, she became fascinated with the Spanish language and has worked in the field of bilingual/dual language education as a teacher, administrator and university professor. Currently, she serves as Director of Customer Success at Edinumen USA.


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When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.
Once inside the chosen or selected content, you may create your classes and invite your students.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.

If in addition you´ll like to have access for this materials for your whole class please fill out this quick form.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.
Once inside the chosen or selected content, you may create your classes and invite your students.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.
Once inside the chosen or selected content, you may create your classes and invite your students.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.
Once inside the chosen or selected content, you may create your classes and invite your students.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.

If in addition you´ll like to have access for this materials for your whole class please fill out this quick form.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.

If in addition you´ll like to have access for this materials for your whole class please fill out this quick form.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

When activating this material, you will have access to this course on Edinumen´s learning platform named ELEteca.

You will need to have a valid teacher account in the platform to activate the material. If you don’t have one you will have the possibility to create a free one when clicking the link.

If in addition you´ll like to have access for this materials for your whole class please fill out this quick form.

Edinumen will end the free trials on June 20th of the present year. This material and its intellectual property belong to Edinumen and/or its partners. The purpose of this gratis access is to help educators and students during the covid19 crisis. No commercial usage is authorized unless written consent is provided by Edinumen.

Dan que hablar uses television commercials to present audiovisual stimuli for listening comprehension in Spanish, oral interaction between students, and reading comprehension. It also provides written and oral expression activities and shows teachers the instructional possibilities in using advertisements to develop language. The selected ads are authentic, entertaining, and offer great opportunities for developing conversation and listening skills through rich cultural content.

It includes:

  • 19 television commercials, plus a transcript of each,
  • lesson content and suggestions for development, and
  • strategies for using video in the classroom

¿Estás de broma? provides teachers with a resource to teach the literary element of irony through twenty 10-minute activities in which students explore the concept of irony. The book contains indexes that help teachers adapt the material to their unique classroom needs and includes linguistic, communicative, and intercultural competencies and skills.

Structure of the book:

  • an introduction toirony,
  • various indexes on the activities,
  • the 20 activities,
  • the solution,
  • the glossaries of terms and the index of express tasks.

Each activity includes:

  • information regarding proficiency level,
  • the objectives and contents that are worked on,
  • the skills to be developed,
  • some guidelines for the teacher,
  • To find out more, a list of sources for additional information,
  • the procedure for carrying out each task, and
  • student activity materials.

El bloc. Español en imágenes builds a strong basic Spanish vocabulary for Novice learners through detailed color illustrations built around 49 themes, with activities to support success for the diverse learners in today’s Spanish classroom. The kit includes:

  • labeled color illustrations presenting more than 850 words,
  • thematically organized with detailed illustrations,
  • exercises to practice the vocabulary presented, and
  • a glossary.

El bloc 2. Español en imágenes builds a strong basic Spanish vocabulary for Novice Mid to Novice High learners through detailed color illustrations built around 42 themes, with activities to support success for the diverse learners in today’s Spanish classroom. The kit includes:

  • labeled color illustrations,
  • thematically organized with detailed illustration,
  • exercises to practice the vocabulary presented,
  • digital tools, and
  • a glossary.

Fichas y pasatiempos de español,  A1 is a book of complementary material for level A1 with photocopiable activities for the Spanish class. Fichas y pasatiempos was designed to complement any Spanish 1 or 2 program with 38 photocopiable cards with different types of activities — crosswords, word searches, board games, and more – that reinforce communicative, linguistic and / or cultural content. The teacher everything he or she needs to use the activities in class.

Structure of the book:

  • Index of contents with the associated skills for each activity,
  • 38 photocopiable cards for the student, and
  • suggestions for lesson development and answer keys.

Juegos de tablero y tarjetas, 2nd edition is a set of 30 board games and cards to practice Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and the communication skills necessary for success in the classroom, from Novice to Advanced proficiency. Games provide a safe context for students to engage in spontaneous conversation as they play with the elements of language. The combination of both board and card games as well as projectable boards allows teachers to adapt the materials to their instructional needs and purposes. It includes:

  • Teacher resources with detailed instructions for each game, objectives, materials and development of the activity, leveled according to the Common European Frame of Reference,
  • physical boards in DIN A4, A3 and A2 sizes and also in a projectable version,
  • digital access to projectable boards,
  • cut-out and / or photocopiable cards, and
  • game pieces.

Tablas – Aprender español haciendo teatro In classical theater, the stage was built with wooden boards, or tablas. This book offers theater, and above all, learning Spanish by doing theater. Many people are involved in the process of preparing a play: actors, the director, the set designer, and technicians, all working cooperatively to achieve a common purpose. Students will work to produce a play while learning and practicing Spanish, engaging in creative problem solving and reflecting on their learning. Tablas develops student acting skills as well as the very important roles of all those who make it possible, from the director to the stagehand.

It includes:

  • activities in which students learn about reflect the various tasks involved in producing a play and which role best suits their talents and skills, plus
  • scripts for six small plays in different styles:
    • Tercero derecha,
    • El suspiro del moro,
    • Al borde,
    • La muerte de Mauro,
    • Feliz cumpleaños,
    • and Mermelada de fresa

Vamos al cine is a complementary resource for the Spanish class aimed at Intermediate to Advanced Spanish students who wish to improve their communicative competence through the medium of cinema. There are many advantages of using authentic media in the Spanish class, including current and relevant themes, opportunities to experience the richness and variety of the Spanish language, topics for deep discussion, and an insight into the cultural diversity of the Spanish speaking world.
Each chapter of Vamos al cine is based on a Spanish or Latin American film, with supporting material on the main themes and the historical-social context, and activities to accompany the viewing of the film, a guide to essential vocabulary, expressions and new words. While the text does not include the video, all of the films can easily be located online or are available for rental or purchase. Local norms vary. We advise teachers to preview the films before recommending them to students.

Included films:

  • Chico y Rita
  • El hijo de la novia
  • El orfanato
  • El secreto de sus ojos
  • Los colores de la montaña
  • Machuca
  • Mar adentro
  • Miss Bala
  • Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios
  • También la lluvia
  • Un cuento chino
  • Volver

Structure of each chapter:

  • 5 things about the movie
  • Synopsis
  • Characters
  • Cultural sheets
  • Interesting!
  • Advice
  • Vocabulary
  • Activities before, during and after watching each segment of the film

Vocabulary development activities for Novice learners. Vocabulario en movimiento will help your students build vocabulary through activities designed to provide meaningful, contextualized practice that complements and extends any Spanish 1 or 2 program.

  • The kit contains 32 vocabulary topics presented with activity cards.
  • Each topic contains a vocabulary list of words, instructional sequence for the teacher, the activities themselves, and answer keys.
  • There is a complete teacher’s guide with descriptions of the topics and possible activities to support the exercises and ensure mastery.
  • Vocabulary is presented in clusters of semantically related words, both to provide a rich context and to deepen student understanding of their meanings.